TASS: Fetisov Says Environmental Problems in the World Can’t Be Solved Without Ecological Well-Being of Russia

The objectives of the United Nations in the field of global environment can’t be achieved without the ecological well-being of Russia, to solve environmental problems all stakeholders in the world should unite their efforts. This was stated on Wednesday by Viacheslav Fetisov, the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and the Chairman of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

‘Without the ecological well-being of the Russian Federation, the largest territory, it will be impossible to solve the problems of ecology in the world and the goals set by the United Nations. This is something that should bring us together, unite us and do everything to ensure that we can count on the planned solutions of our younger generations in the future,’ he said.

Fetisov emphasized that without a unified position of all parties interested in stabilizing the environmental situation in the world, ‘it will be difficult to solve these global challenges’ in the field of ecology. ‘We always remember that there simply can’t be a vaccine against ecological disaster. It's a tremendous amount of work, responsibility and everything to do with a unified position and the development of common standards,’ he added.

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, organized by the Roscongress Foundation, will take place from June 15 to 18. The theme of the forum in 2022 is ‘New Opportunities in a New World.’ The event will also include SME forums, creative business forums, ‘Ensuring Drug Security,’ ‘SPIEF Junior’ and SPIEF Sport Week. TASS acts as a photo-hosting agency and information partner of the event.

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