Technological Neutrality

Towards Equitable Technology

September 17, TUE  /  10:45 - 12:00

The recent reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggest that the level of international technology cooperation is far from that required for effective climate change mitigation. The emerging challenges are due to the differences in the scientific and technical capacities of the parties, lack of funding, and low academic and diplomatic cooperation.

Another important factor slowing down the achievement of climate goals is the emergence of artificial constraints that contradict the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism supporting the smooth development and transfer of climate technologies between parties.

The conversation about fair national contributions to the climate agenda has to start with fair and full access to technology regardless of political or market constraints.

Many climate technologies are already being widely developed not only in developed countries but also in the BRICS group, including nuclear technologies, renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, “clean coal” technologies, and more.

How do technological constraints affect the harmonious development of the climate agenda? What technologies play a defining role in achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals?



* The Programme may be subject to change